Monday, June 27, 2011


RENFIELD has officially been kicked off the vase polishing team after attacking leslie and giving Spazz an attitude. WATTIE returns from his home planet after being away for a month and is full of clever quotes and interesting stories. That isn't to say that SPAZZ has no interesting stories to tell... on the contrary...

Wattie: SPAZZ! my! how have you been??

Spazz: oh wattie..

Wattie: oh dear... what has gone on?

Spazz quickly explains what happened with Renfield. But leaves out one important story...

Wattie: WOW! he was a lunatic after all!

Spazz: thats not the whole story, watt.

Wattie: ... what do you mean?

Spazz: Renfield wanted a threesome.

Wattie: WHAT??

Spazz: ..With Richard. And Richard's boyfriend.

Wattie: no! impossible! but wait... really?

Spazz: Yes.

Wattie:... well? how did that go? dont leave me hanging, dear.

Spazz: Richard had been telling a story. His boyfriend came up. He was mentioned. Renfield's eyes widened. he said 'a - a -a boyfriend?' a BOY..friend?'. Richard didn't understand why he was so shocked... 'why yes... my boyfriend', he said. .....

Wattie:.. AND??

Spazz: and Renfield said "do you have threesomes?"

Wattie: (hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaaaa)

Spazz: and Richard said, "UM NO",to which Renfield replied"Oh, well its just well, uh, i just mentioned it because um, i just know a lot of guys.."

Wattie: That doesnt offer any explanation to anything.

Spazz: i know

wattie: so our dear Renfield..

Spazz: wants SEX. from men.

Wattie: Well, i'll be.

Spazz: he had been waxing his eyebrows for you

Wattie: NO

Spazz: yes. and all this time, he couldnt do any hard labor. oh how it hurt his hands to carry those vases, and Oh, how it hurt to polish them... but he was willing to do something else

Wattie: STOP IT

Spazz: .. With his hands...


Spazz; And mouth... he asked you wattie, he asked you if..


end.... 4now ;

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